-Media Editor
These individuals are tasked with editing the video and audio that will make it to broadcast. Just about anything that is seen on the television is edited in some way. Even in news broadcasts, as some point, a graphic is on screen with the informative title or headline. Editors need to have experience with the latest in editing equipment, and be exceptional editors to get the job. Media editors will have to face strict deadlines and hard assignments. They will also work in ensuring the storage of archives and backups, as well as other tasks. Education wise, a broadcasting of communications degree is typically needed.
A skill that most media editors should be capable of is non-linear editing, a fancy way to mean digital video with analog audio. It is a special flavor of film and audio editing, where the entire video is accessed at once. When modifying the film, the original does not get modified or damaged, as well as providing random access so that any portion of the film can be accessed. Software solutions include Adobe Premier and Apple Final Cut. The best location to learn the skills needed most include a school with an appropriately funded program, since the programs at these locations will feature the sorts of equipment that will be used most. Here you can learn its use from a professional standpoint. A great source that will allow you to acquire experience when it comes to editing on a non linear basis is through post secondary school. While technology in this arena has advanced rapidly, and while editing software does appear to be more affordable than it used to be, the quick and easy way, not to mention thorough, to become an expert in the digital editing arena is still to learn to use the software side by side with the help of a professional.
For those who are interested in taking up TV jobs in LA that involve video editing, it is important to make sure that the college or trade show that they intend to enter will feature an up to date editing studio in conjunction with a staff with the right experience in newer digital editing software options.
- Production Assistant
It is the burden of any job which has assistant in the name, and that is that assistant becomes a catch-all phrase for the person who completes the odd jobs that need completing. Different television studios and productions will have different definitions of what consists of an assistant, and the work can be grueling, but it is the gateway into the television career as it provides exposure to every aspect of the everyday operations of a TV studio. The production assistant will be a gopher, retrieving what are needed and delivering items for the production staff. They will also be setting up interviews and archiving tapes. They may also edit a little, or manage the teleprompter for anchormen.
- Researcher
Many shows and television broadcasts utilize some sort of factual information. If facts are being used, they can either be used as the basis of concept or they can be passed off as factual. For those who enjoy delving into subjects or perusing through records and data, research positions in television stations are excellent options for employment. Researchers are responsible for focusing on the details, and they usually gather data as well as statistics from within the studio. These are great positions when it comes to getting on the right path for becoming a producer. These employees often work closely in conjunction with producers as well as assistant producers, and they can get a good idea of what the producer does as well as what his or her duties and skills are.
- Receptionist or Administrative Assistant
The listed job duties of such a position may not have much to do with broadcasting, but anyone looking to break into this industry would benefit from considering a receptionist position or a position as an administrative assistant. These individuals work closely with producers and reporters and can learn a lot about the job duties and responsibilities of other positions within the industry. If you cannot get a job through other means, consider one of these positions as a fast and straight forward way to edge yourself into better and bigger positions through time.