If you are unsure about the type of degree you need or if you are wondering whether the one you have will work in place of something else, then you must do a little research. Start looking around for various television job openings in your area and see what their educational requirements are along with what kind of previous work experience they are looking for. By doing this you will have a better idea of what will be expected of you in order to even have a shot at getting the job for yourself. Once you know what kind of degree, if any, most of the companies out there require then you can take steps towards getting what is needed. There are lots of colleges out there that can help you earn a journalism degree or anything else you would be in need of.
While you are working on the degree try to get yourself on the television as much as you possibly can. Whether it is helping out at your local high school football game or getting on a local television channel for something, exposure is key at this point. The more practice you get, the better you will be at it, and the easier it will be for you to gain employment in the career of your choice. Do not pass up any chance to be on television as those moments can be useful when trying to get TV jobs that pay.
After you have the degree in hand then it is time to start looking for television jobs in your area that pay well. It is important to make sure that the starting salary be something that can pay your monthly living expenses including the new student loan you have. Keep in mind that every position on a television filming set is important in various ways. You may find that being directly in front of the camera is not the thing for you and that should be okay with you. There are technical jobs, camera work, make-up, directing, acting, and various other positions out there that could give you plenty of satisfaction.
Once you have figured out the exact kind of position that you want to do, you must put everything you have into looking for an open position. This is because there are not always a lot of job openings in the broadcasting field. When there is an opening you want to be ready to jump right on it so that you have a good chance of getting it. The competition is fierce as this is an industry where the applicants seem to outnumber the job openings at an increasingly alarming rate each year. All that can be said is if you do your best then you should eventually land the job you want. You may have to be willing to relocate though since job openings are so few and far between.